Online poker has long been a point of contention in the United States. For years, players had the ability to enjoy online poker gaming at sites such as Absolute Poker, UltimateBet, PokerStars, Full Tilt and the like. However, problems soon arose and after Black Friday, in April of 2011, everything changed. Rulings were made and legislation put in place which caused online poker operators to pull out of the United States to avoid prosecution.
Fast forward a few years and the Department of Justice in the US decided to change the interpretation of the Wire Act of 1961 which would allow online poker gaming to take place in individual states, as long as the state put legislation and regulations in place. The only states to pass legislation successfully were Delaware, Nevada and New Jersey. Since 2013, these are the only states in which online poker gaming can be enjoyed and only within the borders of the states.
Since these states began offering online poker, other states began to take notice. Such states as Pennsylvania and California have considered online poker regulation, but have yet to be able to move any bill forward.
Currently, online poker legislation has been on the table for California and New York. Senator John Bonacic of New York just recently saw his bill, S5302C pass the Senate of the state with an overwhelming vote of 53-5. Over in California, online poker legislation has experienced a setback. Assemblyman Adam Gray’s AB 2863 has been postponed, with the state having tried unsuccessfully for years to enter the online poker industry.
For New York, the bill moving forward has helped proponents feel good about legislation passing. The state has to stay in competition with New Jersey, who is already well-established in the online poker industry. For California, issues continue with legislation as parties cannot seem to come to an agreement as to what should take place including if horse tracks should be involved and if bad actor clauses should be included in bill language.
All the while. The Poker Players Alliance has been pulling for online poker, no matter what state is interested. The PPA is a strong proponent of online poker gaming in the United States as well as land based. The group continues to work with legislators, players, operators and others to see poker gaming take place in all aspects.
The Poker Players Alliance continues to offer information and ways to push online poker to the forefront in the United States. Information is listed at the PPA site which helps individuals located in every state to be able to contact legislators and those who can influence online poker gaming in their given state. When legislation has been introduced, the PPA keeps everyone up to date of what is going on with options for contact to try and push the legislation forward.
Currently, the PPA is offering a new page on their website titled #Fight4Poker. The hashtag was created so that individuals can help to fight for the cause. Players can join in, checking out ways to help via the Poker Players Alliance website. Showing support can help legislators as well as the industry see that players in the United States want to have access to poker gaming.
It is easy and only takes a few minutes to contact legislators and let them know exactly what you are feeling in regards to online poker gaming. With the help of players, the PPA is hoping that every state will be able to offer the option for online poker to take place, if not federal regulation be put in place eventually to offer poker gaming across the US.