In the United States, the argument for online poker gaming continues to be a hot debate. While such states as Delaware, Nevada and New Jersey offer online poker gaming, certain lawmakers are trying to see a nationwide ban put in place with the Restoration of America’s Wire Act. With this legislation, which is due for a hearing any day, players would no longer be allowed to enjoy poker or casino gaming online. Certain legislators have come forward in support of this plan, including South Carolina State Senator Lindsey Graham.
Graham has been a firm supporter of Las Vegas Sands CEO Sheldon Adelson and his RAWA legislation. The senator has worked tirelessly to try and see online gaming stopped within the United States. Just a few weeks ago, he attended a confirmation hearing for the Attorney General nominee where he basically took over and plowed into Loretta Lynch, the woman up for the position. He wanted to know how she felt about online gaming and the changes to the Wire Act by the Department of Justice. Graham basically used the hearing as a platform to speak out against online gaming within the United States.
Graham continues to be a strong voice against the activity but his most recent comments in an interview with the Huffington Post, have many in the industry wondering how the Senator even has a position within the federal government. In the interview, Graham stated that he does not email and every email he has ever sent can be checked as he has never sent one.
This is a surprising revelation since the man is hell bent on destroying the opportunity for online gamers to be able to enjoy poker and casino gaming. An individual who has never even sent an email should not have an open opinion on an activity that takes place ONLINE. Obviously if Graham is not sending emails that he certainly is not spending much time, if any, online.
The mention of never sending an email has many questioning his ability to operate in a government capacity, especially considering the legislation he is in support of is based on online activity. Rich Muny is the Vice President of the Poker Players Alliance and spoke with Pocket Fives on the subject of Graham and his admission, by stating that he finds it fascinating that Graham has never sent an email but wants to dictate policy for internet poker.
Additionally, Muny points out that Graham and fellow members of the House are not willing to listen to experts speak of the technology can be used to enhance the online poker experience such as geolocation and verification services. Apparently the older generation does not want to admit that technology is the ‘wave of the future’ and already here for that matter. The different advances in technology make online poker and casino gaming possible with the same stringent securities that can be found in land based options.
The activity is already taking place, with gamers using offshore sites to wager on poker games or casino options. Proponents of such activities want to provide a safe environment for players to take part in their favorite gaming with securities that cannot be found overseas. With proper regulation and licensing, players could take part from the comfort of their home and feel good about enjoying poker gaming.
The admission by Graham is certainly an interesting one and seems to have been a bit of backward thinking on the Senator’s part. To be successful in today’s society, one must be with the times, which includes using the internet and sending emails!