Online Poker Hearing Set for Tomorrow in Pennsylvania

Online poker and casino gambling may be soon moving forward in the state of Pennsylvania. A measure to allow for online poker gaming was passed back in the summer by the House and the Senate was due to review the very same measure. However, the Senate decided to take a break and come back in the fall to review the information and move forward sometime in the coming months. Well, that time may be upon us as a hearing is scheduled for tomorrow on the subject.

The State House of Representatives in Pennsylvania have scheduled a meeting for the 27th of September at 9am. The meeting will see a review taking place of states that are currently offering online gaming such as poker and casino options plus fantasy sports being reviewed. The House Gaming Oversight Committee announced the review and how the state will be looking at how others operate to get an ideas as to what the state will be able to offer.

Online poker is included in the measure that was approved by the House and must now be voted on by the Senate.  The Senate has yet to set a date for their vote but the House is having the hearing in the hopes of expediting this process. The bill is currently being pushed forward by Representative Rosita Youngblood and Representative John Payne. The state has to be able to gain $100 million from gambling to meet budget needs, which is supposed to include online gambling as well as an overall expansion of gambling. This cannot be done until a bill is passed to get started.

The Poker Players alliance continues to push for legislation in Pennsylvania, trying to hurry the process along. The PPA encourages poker players to contact representatives of their state including those in Pennsylvania. By showing support, legislators may feel more inclined to vote yes on the measure. The PPA points out the monetary gains that come with online gambling to senators of the state as well as thanking those who are trying to push the legislation along. VP of Player Relations for PPA, Rich Muny, tells state senators that online poker will be able to create revenues without having to raise taxes on businesses or individuals. Seemingly, it’s a win/win.

Right now is a big time for the online poker bill in Pennsylvania, HB 2150. Today, the State Senate reconvenes for a three day time frame. If the measure is unable to pass during these three days then there is only one more time frame in which the bill can pass. This is why representatives such as Youngblood are trying so hard to see a vote take place now.

Pennsylvania has been on the radar as the next state to pass legislation in regards to poker and casino gaming online for some time now. Years in fact. Poker players have waited and waited to see the gaming option provided in their state and have yet to be able to take part in tournament or cash gaming. The bill must move forward through the senate and on to the governor’s desk before it can be made law.

With only a little time left this year, players may be waiting even longer to be able to play their favorite poker games online in Pennsylvania. Hopefully, legislators will be able to do what they can to see the measure move forward and hopefully have some kind of plan in place to be able to allow the activity in a legalized and regulated environment. Only time will tell as to if and when the state will be able to pass legislation and get moving on the track to regulated online poker and casino gaming.