Online poker sites have been known to take unique measures to bring player traffic to the sites. From offering massive cash bonuses to unique tournaments, online poker sites have to be unique to remain popular. In the state of New Jersey, online gaming regulators are trying to take a very unique approach to recruiting players for online game play.
Operators believe that player traffic would be increased if celebrities would be allowed to play against tourists and residents of the state. A rule is currently being finalized to allow this to take place. A rule has been proposed by the Division of Gaming Enforcement that will seek input from the public during a comment period of 60 days.
The comment period will last until February 5th in which the public can state their feelings on the subject. If the rule is finalized, players could find that they are competing against popular celebrities with the New Year in New Jersey.
The rule reads in part:
If passed, the online poker sites of New Jersey would pay celebrities a fee for playing poker online. Many top celebrities such as Ben Affleck, Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey McGuire are known for enjoying poker, so there is a possibility that your favorite celebrities may hit the felt. Any winnings by the celebrity may or may not go to the individual as this is something that would be worked out between the celebrity and the operator.
Marketing has not been as strong in the state of New Jersey and an aspect that many in the online poker industry have been critical of. Many feel that operators could do more to work and entice players to visit the online poker gaming sites. However, the operators can only market within the state as players must be within the borders of New Jersey to take part.
Additional changes to current rules have been placed on the table by the DGE that go along with the public review period of the celebrity proposal. Regulators of gaming would like to see online operators have the right to place servers for sites operations in other locations in Atlantic City. Gamblers may also soon be able to use funds from online gaming to enjoy social games that are free play rather than for money.
In the current state of affairs, the servers for gaming sites are located on the premise of the gaming casino hotel associated with the online gaming site. With the new rule, operators will be able to have the servers located in another facility as long as it is owned or under lease by the licensee of the casino. The public should not have access to the server area and it must be within the Atlantic City borders.
With the proposal for social gaming, players currently do not have the option to use gaming funds for gaming features on social gaming sites. With the new rule, players would be able to use the funds they earn from online gaming to spend on these sites. Players would have the option to enjoy social gaming with pay for options as long as the operator places a clear and conspicuous notice on the initial screen of the social game as well as terms and conditions, including that the games are not regulated.
For now, the new rules are to be reviewed and a decision made in 2016.