Gus Hansen close to Record Losses

Most every online poker player enjoys the entertainment value of the game but the goal is to make money. Online game play makes it easy for players to pick up a cash game whenever they wish and earn cash through skilled game play. This is how poker pros make a living with the card game. However, pros can lose money just like us everyday folks and poker pro Gus Hansen is about to reach a whole new level of losses at Full Tilt Poker.

According to a recent report by CardPlayer and tracked information by HighStakesDB, Hansen is close to losing $10 million over his career at Full Tilt Poker. The pro has lost over $9.5 million under the screen name Gus Hansen since 2007. After just two years at the site, Hansen was able to earn $1.7 million but soon changed momentum and was close to $10 million in the hole.

After an amazing comeback in 2010, Hansen was able to gain $6 million back by the time early 2011 arrived. it was then when Black Friday occurred that Full Tilt would close down and Hansen would see his heater paused for many months. Once the site was back in action last November, Hansen had access to his cash once again and got back to game play.

However, the upswing was long gone and Hansen ended up losing over $6.3 million. According to data tracked, the screen name Gus Hansen has lost the most cash since online poker was invented. The amount of money lost is basically unimaginable to the average person! The statistics and information is quite staggering.

This instance just shows how interesting it can be to follow the pros and see how they lose and gain from the game of poker!  Will Hansen be able to gain the losses back like he did once before or will he continue to see a downswing in game play?  I wonder how much more he could lose if he played on Full Tilt via his mobile device, lol.